p 388 |Jules Michelet (French historian, 1798–1874), who first used & defined the word "Renaissance."
p 389 | Franz-Josef I (Emperor of Austria-Hungary, 1830–1916); Henri V (Comte de Chambord; Pretender to the French throne, 1820–83)
p 391 | Saint-Cyr: convent school near Versailles, founded by Madame de Maintenon in 1686 for young ladies from impoverished noble families. Several of Racine's works were performed there by the pupils.
p 393 | Édouard Drumont (1844-1917), pamphleteer & journalist, who disseminated anti-Semitic & xenophobic ideas, leading a campaign against Dreyfus based on prejudicial arguments.
p 399 | Condé family in France
p 400 | rent boy: a boy or young man who has sex with other men for money
From Treharne's footnotes:
p 402 | Droits de l'Homme (Rights of Man): this second league was founded in February 1898 and represented Dreyfusard intellectuals.
p 402 | Jean-Baptiste Billot (1828-1907) was minister of war from 1896 to 1898.
p 402 | Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) came to the political forefront thanks to the Dreyfus Affair. Proust is being fanciful about Reinach's influence in these two cases.
p 405 | Fernand Widal (1862-1929), French doctor and bacteriologist
p 407 | The oracular serpent Python was killed by Apollo.
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Charcot |
p 409 |"People said... go out": an incomplete quotation from Mme de Sévigné's letter to the Comtess de Guitaut, June 3, 1693.