p 165 | red shoes, maybe like...
p 167 | sleeping tablets... French pharmacies were already quite well stocked. Here are some products & a history (in French)
p 168 | Venetian cloak (at right)
p 168 |cicisbeo (cavaliere servente): professed gallant & lover of a married woman, who attended her at public gatherings.
p 169 | “They’re exaggerating...: a response supposedly based on one actually made by Aimery de La Rochefoucauld when told of the untimely death of his cousin, the brother of Robert de Montesquiou. (Sturrock)
p 173 |Bailleau-le-Pin: a village near Illiers (Combray). (Sturrock)
p 176 | Bell.... in the original, Proust mistakenly writes "Edison."
p 177 | The waving of the scarf is a prearranged signal given by Isolde to Tristan in Act II of Wagner’s opera; the shepherd’s pipe in Act III tells the dying Tristan that Isolde’s ship has sailed. (Sturrock)