Sabran |
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Tallien |
p 735 | Mme Tallien (also here) and Mme de Sabran
p 735 | "The Prince d’Agrigente having asked why Prince Von had said, in speaking of the Duc d’Aumale [Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale (1822–97) was a son of Louis-Philippe], ‘my uncle,’ M. de Guermantes had replied: “Because his mother’s brother, the Duke of Wurttemberg [Duke Alexander of Württemberg (1804–81)], married a daughter of Louis-Philippe [Princess Marie of Orléans (1813–1839), who was a daughter of Louis-Philippe].”
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Memling |
Carpaccio |
p 735 | ... reliquary painted by Carpaccio or Memling
p 735-36 | ... [German] castle called Fantaisie...
p 736 | Balzac's La Comédie humaine; Eugène de Rastignac; Laurence de Cinq-Sygne
p 736 | Romanesque architecture
p 737 | A miller usually refers to a person who operates a mill, a machine to grind a cereal crop to make flour. Milling is among the oldest of human occupations. Milling existed in hunter-gatherer communities, and was important to the development of agriculture. The materials are often foodstuffs, esp. grain. Non-food substances needed in a fine, powdered form, such as building materials, may be processed by a miller; A poem by Jean de La Fontaine: The Miller, His Son And The Ass.
p 738 | Inverted commas: Quotation marks or inverted commas (also called quotes or speech marks) are punctuation marks surrounding a quotation, direct speech, or a literal title or name. They can also be used to show a different meaning of a word/phrase other than the one typically associated with it & are often used to express irony.
p 739 | verb. sap., Latin, abbreviation for verbum sapienti sat est ("a word is enough to the wise;" Proust wrote: "à demi-mot...").
p 741 | Chouan rising: A Royalist uprising in 12 French départements against the French Revolution, the First French Republic, and even under the Empire. It played out in 3 phases, from 1794 until 1800.
The ultimate reference book: The Almanach de Gotha, here at Wikipedia