p 556 | "... at the time of Agadir..." : Agadir Crisis of 1911. The second of the Moroccan crises (see Moroccan crisis, 1905) leading to the outbreak of World War I. The Germans sent the gunboat "Panther" to the Moroccan port of Agadir, claiming that the French had ignored the terms of the Algeciras Conference. This provoked a major war scare in Britain until the Germans agreed to leave Morocco to the French in return for rights in the Congo.
p 559 | "... their
1830 ties..."
p 559 | "...
unassimilated Jews...", though he may mean Hasidim.

p 560-61: Opus franci-genum ("A work of French origin"); referring to Gothic architecture, as well as the "young sons of France" with their sculpted faces.
p 562 |
Flag of Luxembourg
p 563 |
Jockey-Club de Paris
p 565 |
Albert I, Prince of Monaco (1848-1922)
p 569 |
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve (1804-69), literary critic.
| Mme Marie-Thérèse Rodet
| Mme Jeanne-Françoise
| Eléonore-Adèle d'Osmond,
comtesse de Boigne.