p 123 | Gustave Jean Jacquet (1846-1909), painted genre scenes and society portraits.
Is this the portrait of Mme de Surgis?
p 125 | ...married to a Bourbon princess...: this is the only mention of Charlus’s late wife's having been a Bourbon – that is, a member of the family of the family of the Kings of France between 1589 and 1848. (Sturrock)
p 126 | one louis: a gold coin worth twenty francs. (Sturrock)
p 128 | Uncle and Nephew, i.e. Nephew as Uncle, by Friedrich Schiller & L.-B. Picard.
p 129 | Giorgionesque...Giorgione on wiki. Did they mean like this?
Pastoral Concert. Louvre, Paris, which it now attributes to Titian, c.1509. |
p 131 | ...send me away with a flea in my ear... a rebuke.
p 132 | Syndicate...
p 132 | Victurnien d'Esgrignon is a character in Balzac's novel Le Cabinet des Antiques.
p 132 | Emile Loubet was president of the Republic from 1899 to 1906, and thus during the time when the Dreyfus case was reopened. He was in favor of a review and reprieved Dreyfus after he had been found guilty for a second time. (Sturrock).
p 133 | definition of aristocrat
p 136 | The Restoration was the period immediately following the fall of Napoleon and the First Empire (Sturrock).
p 136 | deliquescent: becoming liquid or having a tendency to become liquid. Sturrock says: 'Ah! Green ...' ": the line (slightly misquoted) comes from a volume of parodies of Symbolist poetry entitled Deliquescences: Poemes decadents d'André Floupette (1885), written by Gabriel Vicaire and Henri Beauclair. In French, the quote reads, "Ah! Verte, combien verte était mon âme ce jour-la...."
p 140 | Jules, Cardinal Mazarin (1602-61), a great statesman of the 17th-century, founded the Bibliothèque Mazarine in Paris in 1642, a public library that became part of the Bibliotheque Nationale in 1930. (Sturrock).
p 140 | Athena Hippia (Sturrock: so called because she was supposed to have taught men how to control horses); Pallas Tritogeneia.
p 142 | Assyrian frieze