Combray 09.09 ~~ Swann in Love 01.10 ~~ Place Names: The Name 05.10 ~~ Madame Swann at Home 06.10 ~~ Place Names: The Place 03.11 ~~ The Guermantes Way 04.12 ~~ Sodom and Gomorrah 08.14 ~~ The Captive 05.16 ~~ The Fugitive 07.17 ~~ Time Regained 07.18 ~~ FIN 08.19 ~~
p 70 | Chinchilla toques with big grey veils are hard to find online. Here's a brief history of women's hats. p 71 | "...young man so learned in matters of racing..." This is OCTAVE, the young golfer at Balbec, nephew of M. Verdurin. p 75 | Mme Swann's tea-gowns would look very much like this. Click here to see a sampling of the Met's collection of clothes made by Callot Soeurs, which is what the Duchesse was wearing and the Narrator was learning about. p 78 | The terrifying jumping girl of Balbec was Andrée (seeWithin a Budding Grove, II p. 508). p 82 | Tamarisk The genus Tamarix (tamarisk,
salt cedar) is composed of about 50–60 species of flowering plants in
the family Tamaricaceae, native to drier areas of Eurasia and Africa. p 83 | "...figures by Benozzo Gozzoli against a greenish background.." possibly from the Medici family's Magi Chapel in Florence.
p 52 | The Galeries Lafayette is an upmarket French department store, founded in 1912. Its flagship store is on Boulevard Haussmann in the 9th arrondissement of Paris.
p 52 | This is a little later than the period the book is in... There is some gay French history on the left side of this page.
p 53 | "Xerxes, son of Darius, ordering..." : After the battle of Salamis, the Persian fleet was destroyed by a storm in the Hellespont. Xerxes, the King of Persia, is said to have vented his feelings by having his servants beat the sea with rods.
p 54 | "... Jupien's niece had been, when scarcely more than a child, 'in trouble'..." : Consider these historical notes: 1832 - an age of consent is introduced on 28 April, fixed to 11 years for both sexes. 1863 - Age of consent is raised to 13 years.
p 57 | The House of Croy is an international family of European nobility which held a seat in the Imperial Diet from 1486, and was elevated to the rank of Princes of the Holy Roman Empire in 1594. In 1913 the family had branches in Belgium, France, Austria and Prussia. And the Princes Murat also.
p 60 | According to this site, before World War I, when France was firmly on the gold standard, a franc was worth about 19 cents, or 5.18 to the dollar. So, 5000 francs at that time would have been about $950. Earlier, it could have been more, so maybe about $1000.
p 63 | Violinist Jacques Thibaud (1880-1953) can be heard here.
p 64 | Syringa is lilac, pronounced like this. Well, seh-RING-gah.
is the only thing that exists for us, and we project it into the past, or into the future, without letting ourselves be stopped by the fictitious barriers of death. (V 712)
Of Albertine
"...I felt that I was touching no more than the sealed envelope of a person who inwardly reached to infinity." (V 520)
Our true nature....
But the true nature which we repress continues nevertheless to abide within us. (V 387)
Her intense & velvety gaze
fastened itself, glued itself to the passer-by, so adhesive, so corrosive, that you felt that, in withdrawing, it must tear away the skin. (V 193)
We must constantly choose between health and sanity on the one hand, and spiritual pleasures on the other. I have always been cowardly enough to choose the former. (V 159)
is a grave disease, but it is localized and so does not utterly corrupt the soul. (V 8)
Of the different persons who compose our personality, it is not the most obvious that are the most essential. (V 5)
On Brichot
He talked with the same irritating fluency, but his words no longer struck a chord, having to overcome a hostile silence or disagreeable echoes; what had changed was not what he said, but the acoustics of the room and the attitude of the audience. (IV 475)
... Every fresh glimpse is a sort of rectification, which brings us back to what we, in fact, saw. (II 678)
During that ridiculous age...
In a world thronged with monsters and with gods, we know little peace of mind. II 423
What the milk-girl brought...
I felt on seeing her that desire to live which is reborn in us whenever we become conscious anew of beauty and of happiness. II 318
... it was what gave her away; she had not taken into account that this fragmentary detail of the truth had sharp edges that could fit only into the contiguous fragments of the truth from which she had arbitrarily detached it, edges which, whatever the fictitious details in which she might embed it, would always reveal, by their excess of material and their unfilled empty areas, that its proper place was elsewhere.
On Reading....
Upon the sort of screen, patterned with different states and impressions, which my consciousness would quietly unfold while I was reading, and which ranged from the most deeply hidden aspirations of my heart to the wholly external view of the horizon spread out before my eyes at the foot of the garden, what was from the first the most permanent and the most intimate part of me, the lever whose incessant movements controlled all the rest, was my belief in the philosophic richness and beauty of the book I was reading, and my desire to appropriate these to myself, whatever the book might be.