

Combray (vol I p 22-55): Notes September 2009

marrons glacés::
Aristaeus and learning that...the realms of Thetis ...  into an empire hidden from mortal eyes, where Virgil...

a letter from Twickenham:: TWICKENHAM, London. Residence of the exiled Comte de Paris.

Marquise de Villeparisis (née Mlle de Bouillon, aunt of the Duc and Duchesse de Guermantes; friend of M's grandmother from convent days; lover of the Duc de Norpois)

the des Laumes (Prince and Princesse des Laumes become the Duc and Duchesse de Guermantes)

Sévigné: Mme de SÉVIGNÉ, author of the famous Letters (1626-96).

p 26 | the Maréchal de MacMahon :: (1808–93; President of the Republic 1873–79).

reign of Louis-Philippe :: Louis-Philippe I (6 October 1773 – 26 August 1850), was King of the French from 1830 to 1848 in what was known as the July Monarchy. He was the last king to rule France, although Napoleon III, styled as an emperor, would serve as its last monarch.

Duc d’Audiffret-Pasquier :: (le chancelier; French statesman, 1767–1862)

...met a learned old man who knows Maubant very well :: MAUBANT (French actor, 1821–1902)

Mme. Materna:: (Austrian singer, 1847–1918)

Saint-Simon :: Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de SAINT-SIMON (French social philosopher, author of the Mémoires, 1675–1755) describes how Maulévrier : MAULÉVRIER, Marquis de (French Ambassador in Madrid, 1720–23).

novels of George Sand

Chartres Cathedral by Corot, of the Fountains of Saint-Cloud by Hubert Robert

Mount Vesuvius by Turner

p 54 | the engraving by Morghen  of Leonardo’s Last Supper

sculptures representing the miracle of Saint Théophile or the four sons of Aymon

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